Friday, August 29, 2014

Stay Humble Young Blood

Obedience and Humility are two foreign words to society these days. No one wants to actually practice any of these values because they are associated with weakness. If you allow other people to take precedence over you, you are weak and have no pride. This is everyone's mindset towards those kind of actions. In my opinion, that's not right because a world with humility and obedience is a world full of idiots, since no one would follow anybody, and no one would be open to a different opinion, other than their own. And no one person knows everything.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Obedience and Humility

Obedience and humility, both being two important values of a Benedictine monk, are in my opinion very important in anyone's life. This is true for humility because when you understand and accept who you are, it is easier to go through life because you're more accepting of a lot of things such as when you can't do something, like being a leader to a lot of people.  Humility is also important when it comes to being obedient to someone. When you practice obedience, which, in my opinion, is listening to someone out of pure respect, your life is a lot less stressful, because there is a lot of stress that comes with disobedience. An example of this is in convocation, when you're asked to be quiet. Instead of talking, and worrying about being heard, or caught, you can participate, and you might actually learn or gain something from it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Andy Del Rosario

Today, I will talk about how obedience and humility are applied in everyday life. In these times, many families originated in one-family crisis between parents and children, because the spouses, to support them, are forced to work outside the home. That interest of partners to ensure the economic status of their children, and not allow them to have time to take care of home education, which involves values ​​such as filial piety, good manners, honesty, gratitude, courtesy, mutual respect, trust and obedience, is more important than education received by children and adolescents in schools and colleges. The consequence is that children, lacking a good relationship with their parents, for the short time they have their parents to share with them,  risk falling into a state of emotional crisis affecting obedience to be observed.  Then some of the parents, when they have to discipline children, appeal to the rod or strap as a deterrent, involving corporal, and often verbal, punishment, further deepening the problem. But when love and good homeschooling prevail, then the children respect their parents, are held and obeyed by them, and are well behaved, in compensation for their good treatment.

Jesus Peralta - Obedience

The bible has much to say about obedience. In fact, Obedience is the essence of the Christian faith. Jesus himself was "Obedient unto death in the cross". For Christians, the act of taking up our cross, and following him means obedience.
Obedience to God proves our love for him, demonstrates our faithfulness to him, glorifies him in the world, & open avenues of blessings for us.
Obedience also is important in teens.  We have to be obedient with our parents, & world. When you are obedient, you're also applying other values, like honesty, respect, humility,  discipline, etc.

Be obedient to one another

I think why you should be obedient to one another is because they would be obedient to you, and that would be a good thing. How can you be obedient?  Having humility is the answer to this question.   Obedience would make them happy.  If I have to be obedient to some body, it would take me a long time to do so. I think why you need to be obedient to one another, when somebody is telling you to do something, is because you are listening to what somebody has said to you, and that would make them think that you care about what they have to said to you.  I think the answer to the question of obedience depends on if the other person cares about what I have said, or that what I think, and I also care about the other person, which requires humility.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Humility and Obedience

Jason Mattos

               Obedience is something that's part of my day to day life. Everyday, my parents have something for me to do , either around the house, taking out trash, and other everyday chores. I can be disobedient sometimes, lazy, and the consequence from that is I lose trust from them, and not being able to do what I want. We always gain trust when we do what we're asked, and they'll think that this person is a good person, who does what he/she's asked. Not obeying leads to problems around the house, and it can lead to arguments and fights, and in the end, we're grounded, which I think every teen does not like. I find it funny that when we do something we want, we ask our parents, and act all innocent, and always say please, but when they ask you, we act in a very lazy manner as I mentioned before.
                Humility is a virtue that connects with obedience very well. Humility is something that a lot of people are struggling to learn; even I sometimes am ignorant to that word. For example, you have a talent, and a stranger comes up to you, and says you are very good at what you do, and you say "No I'm really not." But when a person criticizes you, we tend to agree. We always reject the compliment, and accept the critic.

Obedience is a strong word for everyone, and by everyone, I mean the whole world. For example, as a teenager, now a days we have no respect for anyone - we just respect friends and teachers. Obedience is to obey one another, big or small. Now a days, we only follow people who have more power than us, which are teachers, parents, and elders. I think obedience should be taken seriously,whether or not the other has more power, or is older than you. I think I am very obedient to others and myself. But for me, it really depends what that person wants you to do. If it’s bad, then I say NO, but if it’s GOOD, then I will obey. It depends on the person who gives you obedience. Then there's humility. Humility is a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness. If you are humble to one another, then obedience is not a difficult task for you. Obedience is easy when it comes to humility, but only some people can take being both obedient and humble.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflection on Baggage/Traveling Light

My topic is about traveling light in a spiritual way.The goal of spiritual travel is mystical or transcendent religious experience. The reason for an interest in spiritual travel is that it provides a unique means of approaching these distant and extraordinary states of religious awareness. It does this by exposing the spiritual seeker to a series of lessons about the nature of identity, and the freedom of the soul to travel in various non-physical environments. These lessons gradually introduce the spiritual traveler to a variety of psychic and spiritual states containing increasing degrees of individual freedom, and spiritual awareness. In addition, spiritual travel provides an inner laboratory where the seeker can experiment with techniques and methods of moving through the more limited psychic states of awareness and into these distant spiritual realms. The religious person can use spiritual travel to explore the heavenly states described in their religious texts prior to physical death which can help them turn faith and hope in their religious ideal into confidence and spiritual knowledge.
(1st post)

Sam Casqueira Traveling With Inner Baggage

My message to teens that are carrying baggage is to let it go as soon as they can. No matter how heavy it is, it’s the past and there’s nothing you can do about it so what’s the point of stressing over it? Personally I carry around too much baggage and I can’t seem to follow my own advice but don’t make my mistake because it messes you up internally. If I could do my past over again I would but I can’t. Another thing is that when people say that you only live your years once its true because I really wish I could re live my years and I’m only 15, so my message is to take advantage of every single day you can.

Monday, August 18, 2014

How Humility and Obedience Need Each other to Work in my Life

       In everyday life, I see how humility and obedience play a major role in the way I act towards others. These two virtues can't exist inside me without the other. Humility is the accepting of who I am, including both the good and bad qualities of myself. Obedience is being able to renounce my own will and what I want to do for my own benefit, in order to do the will of the other. I see how I cannot be obedient if I'm not humble and how I cannot be humble if I'm not obedient. Everyday people ask something of me whether it be my mother, my teacher, those of higher authority, or even my friends and classmates. Most of the time, I see how it is a struggle for me to obey, or do what the other wants because of the way I feel at the moment, or because I do not find any sense of what they are asking me to do. Sometimes, I feel that when it comes to obeying the other, I feel that I should apply the teachings of St. Benedict that I have recently learned, which are to obey unquestioningly, and promptly, and to not exalt myself when I obey someone, because then the obedience becomes useless if it is done for my individual glory, and not for the glory of God.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why Obedience and Humility Are Important

Obedience is when one follows the commands given. People should obey, not only because they are feared, but because it's a sign of respect. An example would be when your parents ask you to do certain chores. Humility is when a person knows their strengths and weaknesses in different things. People can lack humility in different ways. Many people lack humility whenever someone says that they are good looking. Instead of refusing a compliment like some, they'll end up taking the compliment to another level. By this, I mean that they can act cocky. Humility is important in our daily lives because without it, people would lack confidence. Obedience is important because if no one listens, then nothing will get done.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Obedience in my life-

Obedience had always been a motto of my life. As a teenager, I always ask myself about the values of obedience, and how I can  totally submit myself to others around me, without hurting them in any other way. As I grew up, day after day at Sunday school, my teacher often read from the book of Ephesians 6:1 "children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right". And for this reason, I often wonder why only obey my parents, and not other people? Now, I have realized the merit of obedience, and that it does not only mean being under total submission of those in authority, or even elders, but also looking after younger folks in the community. Therefore helping even your little siblings, or other folks younger then you in the community, shows that obedience requires humility.

traveling light

well sometimes i carry with me psychological baggage with me for example when i play soccer when we loose i carry i sad psychological baggage.when i get home my parents see me depress and they know right away that  im disappointed or not in a good mood. Most of the times people can see psychological baggage in you by the way you act or by the way you react when a question is asked to you or to your teammates psychological baggage basically describes your emotional feelings n it reflects on you. baggage can bring you down in many emotional ways  for examples when your sad or when ever your not in a mood to do anything with anybody and your just their like ignoring people and not caring that can be the you probably haven had a good day or you did something bad.Someone family relatives or even friends can make u let go of the baggage and just make your emotion change from sad to happy.
I think some material possessions  can become as much of a burden as they are a pleasure because for example electronics can become material possession because you just want to let does stuff go and when parents electronics away you would do anything to the electronics back. some people might keep this from happening by timing their self not be on electronics for hours have some time for the family do sports stuff like that . Many people can find doing sport more helpful then just playing video games sport can actually help you video games is not going to take you anywhere as an sport can .

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

heavy Bag

I think your heavy bag is alway heavy because is that went you go to the stone food you alway have a heavy bag that you alway have to care when you get out of the stone .And you alway  wise that some body would be   their for you that alway could be a friend or a some in your family  that want to do some think good for you so  that could make them feel happy what they did for you .Some time their are people their at the stone that would help you with your food .If  my mom tell me to go to the stone i would ask some if they would want to go with me to the stone and that would be a good thing for me.

Jesus Peralta

Psychological baggage is important, and should be something that a person carries around with them.  Examples of this in my own life are intelligence, love, patience, and relationship.  I need these things because without them, I would not be who I am.  If I wanted to let go of these things, my mother could help me.  I think that it is possible that someone's material possessions can become as much of a burden in life as they are a pleasure because these days, people just worry about sneakers and clothes.  We do not care about being honest and friendly either, but searching for God, going to church, and not thinking about what people are going to say about how you look can help keep this from happening.

Andy Del Rosario

Today, the majority of people remain living in the past.  We must understand that what happened yesterday is not staying.  I say this because young people now do not exceed the past.  I found out recently that 56 percent of people feel bad when they think about their past.  I am the person whose past does not stay with him.  I always think tomorrow will be better than today.  Sometimes, however, I think that you cannot leave your past behind in life.  I recommend that you listen to the word of God because many people say, when they visit a church, feel more relaxed, and can forget about their past.  If you find yourself locked in your past, then use it to help other people, so they do not end up being locked in their past as well.


Sometimes in life good there's obstacles at us. We as humans either deal with it or just leave it alone. I know that I like to go over these obstacles or keep prospering. I never let an obstacle break me down to a point of no return. In life sometimes we have to stop and ask for help. Holding on to the would be my baggage but I tend to just throw them off and keep moving forward because I want to keep prospering and I be successful. So I do not let God's challenges throw me off, I use then as motivation to keep prospering and being something in life

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Holding them back

The baggage that i carry around is my wallet and my phone and bracelet. I really need my wallet and phone to call people and receive important calls. And my wallet because i need to buy stuff that i need there is not someone who can help me. And yes i think that's someones material can be a burden in their life because you don't really need all that stuff. By letting need all that stuff is holding them back.

Traveling Light

             Society today has been so caught up in the things that the world loves to offer to them. People have everything they ever wanted, and enough is not enough to them. They want more. In our lives, we sometimes want more so we can be happy. But that's just, in a sense, weighing you down. It's not like you're going to be having possession of everything. That's something people would want to keep in their baggage and claim it's not weighing them down when in reality it really is. 
             Another example is the suffering people have in their lives. We all have a lowest moment in our lives, it's not like life is going to be easy. But that's what people think life is, a walk in the park. A passing of a relative or something similiar is a moment that makes you suffer. People need to move on from that and keep on living life, because life is a path; it's not always straight. You end up taking a wrong turn and find yourself again in suffering. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You won't have what you always had.

I am one of those people who lives his life pretty straight and simple. There is a lot of things that I carry with me all the time but I cannot find a way to let go. Sometimes even if I let go something, I do not know how but it just comes back to me and the baggage gets filled again. As well as my parents, they carry way more stuff on them and cannot even let go one thing because of the situation we are in. I do my best to help them let go things and after they do feel better which makes me happy. There are a lot of things almost everything I left behind my family, grandmother, friends, country, wonderful house, etc. Whenever I get reminded of these things it just makes me feel so sad. But I learned something that it is gone so why not move on and live a better life. After that decision I felt better and I am still doing my best to let go things.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Traveling Light

Some psychological baggage that I carry around with me are regrets.  People say to live life without regrets, so I don't really need this baggage with me all of the time. Although most of the times, they can weigh me them. Some people who might help me let go of it, if I wanted to, would be my family and friends. The reason for this is because I am always with them. If I am always depressed around them it could have an effect on them. By this, I mean that I could be a buzz kill or a party pooper etc. Losing the ones that I care for most would be another regret that I will have to carry as a psychological baggage. One thing I realized was that having a psychological baggage hold you back from enjoying many things in life. After all, we are on this planet for a limited amount of time.

Yes, I do think it's possible that someone's material possessions can become as much of a burden and life as they are a pleasure. An example of this would be money. I remember one of my friends asking me a very trick question. The question was, "Would you rather be rich and angry, or poor and happy." Many people who put money before other needs would rather be rich and angry. Although some wise people would realize that having all the money in the world does not determine your happiness. There have been examples of this on television. People can prevent this from happening by living in the moment because the world will not be here for the rest of eternity. Also by enjoying the company of their loved ones because they won't be here forever. But most importantly living life to the fullest without any regrets.

Keep it Moving

We all have obstacles to face in our lives, but what matters is the ways in which we choose to deal with them. Do you take up the burdens of your difficulties and keep them with or do you let go of them in hope of moving forward. I for one seem to always make the choice of leaving the extra baggage in the past and moving on myself. I believe this is the right way to deal with hard times and difficult situations because carrying them all your life could cause stress and instabilities to mental health. In my opinion leaving the extra baggage behind implies that you leave the distress of what happened in the past, but you take the lesson and values it taught you on into the future.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Trail pack

Ignacio Perez
Grade 10
Fr. Albert Holtz/ Intro to the Wisdom of St. Benedict

Trail pack

       Everyone has a "trail pack" in the sense that we all have a suffering that we carry. I mean this part of human nature, to struggle, but the thing is to continue and not give up. 4,600 is the number of youth who kill them selves every year, 81% being males. This is because they have a suffering, suffering that is to much to bear and because its to much to bear, they just give up. I am not saying they were wrong they were just deceived. They thought that suicide was the easiest way out. We need to accept our suffering our "trail pack" and finish this destiny which was given to us. We must know that we are not alone, that there is someone else out there that is going through the same or has gone through the same trail the you are going through. Being a teenager is rough everyone who is older understands this they get where we are coming from. The suffering well always be there, we will always have a thought behind our head thinking of our suffering.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Traveling Light

Traveling Light, in my opinion, is not necessarily being a passive person, but not letting everything that gets to you, stay with you. In my life, I tend to not carry around baggage in my life, because I’ve learned that it doesn't have any positive effects on my life, or any others for that matter. In terms of someones material possessions being a burden, I never thought about it that way until I saw the TV Show “Hoarders” where they collect things that pleasure them, or things they believe would be a waste to throw away but they eventually take over not only their house but their life. So I believe that at a certain point which varies from person to person, you can have too many belongings and it can become a burden. In order to prevent this I think you should be minimalistic in your approach to buying, or taking things in the first place.


 Have you ever experienced a loss of a love one or a lost o a really import game? Did the experience weigh you down? Negative events happen to everyone it is a part of life, but how you deal with it makes a difference. The ones who hold onto these feelings slowly damage their body and health. according to an article on," our bodies cant handle the stress... we began to collapse as we get older and we have the physical discomforts-like neck and shoulder pain and headaches...". the only thing you need to do is accept the change that happened in your life and just let it go. holding this mental baggage is slowing you down in life, if you keep living in the past you'll never make it to a better future. if your considering to take the steps to a better life then consider your relationship as just a thought or an idea.


    A psychological bag I carried with me was a grudge. My sister would always take my money without permission so I kept track of how much she would take and ask her to pay me back. This happened for quiet some time and she never paid me back. I realized this was unnecessary baggage and was weighing me down. There was no point in asking her all the time because I knew she would never pay me back. Also money isn't everything, I should have just let her take it because it is nothing but paper. I believe if I had confessed this to a priest I would have realized my mistake a lot sooner.

    Yes, because I see electronics, such as an xbox 360, fun but sometimes a burden. It is a burden sometimes because you have to buy stuff for it such as a hard drive to save a game, internet to play online, a headset to talk to friends online, an extra controller in case a friend wants to play, and other accessories. Playing the xbox 360 can be fun but there are so many things to buy for it. I'd probably replace playing xbox by reading or by playing a sport. I usually don't focus on what  I don't have but what I do have such as a house to live in or food to eat everyday. Sometimes I'm glad I have a phone of less value then an iphone or popular brand phone. Who knew things of pleasure can be a burden.

Walk Away From Your Mental Bagage Claim

Julian Cardona                                                                                                                            8/2/14      
Fr. Albert/ Introduction to the Rule of St. Benedict                                                                    Block: 3

        As young people of this generation, there are many things going on in our lives, many thoughts passing through our heads, and many mental dilemmas we have to deal with. When we take all of this into account, we are overwhelmed and we don't know how to deal with all this "mental baggage" that we have inside of us. It is as if you have arrived at an airport and you decided to put your collection of rocks in your suitcase, do you really need this extra weight with you on your vacation? The same thing happens with our life complications, instead of packing what we actually need into our minds, we pack this "baggage" and it turns into undesirable stress and worry, which instead of helping us, it disturbs our lives even more and makes us suffer. The fact that does not come to mind is that most of this mental weight, worry and suffering is completely unnecessary because most of the things that we spend so much time stressing about are entirely useless, but we think that they aren't. However, there is no need to despair because the simple way to relieve ourselves of these problems is to let them go. Why should we burden ourselves with things that we think are crucial to our lives or emotions and thoughts that we think are worth having headaches for but are actually not? 
        There are endless thoughts, emotions, and fantasies that we constantly call to mind everyday because we believe that they are the foundation of what we think and how we act everyday. As a person who has found himself in these situations and continues to find himself worrying about the unnecessary, I advise all young adolescence to let go. It doesn't matter what it could be, whether it is the suffering of the loss of a close relative, the ridiculous jealousy of what someone has, does, or is, or even staying angry at someone for something that the person said or did, these are all things that we can walk away from. All these and other possible sufferings and stressful situations have to come and go in our lives, we can't go on with life in this mental state because we will never experience joy or take part in casual socialization with certain people including ourselves. The same thing goes for our material possessions such as phones, electronics, or something we wear. We cannot get too attached to the things that we own because they too come and go and once our things are old, worn out, out of style, or don't work anymore, what are we going to do, go into a depression? No! We are called at this age to mature and allow God to give us things in life but at the same time take them away whether they be mental or material. As part of growing up, we are also called to let go and not cling on to the unnecessary problems, emotions, and physical objects that the world has to offer.       

A Lighter Day

Now in days teenagers like to show off things that other people don't have such as Clothes, sneakers, and money. The things that I have just wrote down are baggage things that we really don't need to show off. If you look at it this way, there are stores out there that have clothes for a lower price that you could buy and make a outfit look nice. So instead of wasting your money on clothes that would have you bankrupted in the future just try other stores out. Plus you don't want clothes and sneakers take over your life because those are not going to be with you for the rest of your life.

The Llife Of A Teenager

          As teenagers, we are curious about seeking the world we are dwelling in. From time to time, we do things which are sometime against the wills of our community or might put individual lives in damger. With the introduction of modern technology, the lives of teenagers have become more and more complicated. Nowaday, everyone want the best clothing, shoes, phones, compucters, watches, cars etc. Comparing today ways of living and that of early 1930s,there has been great improvement in agriculture, roads and vice versa. As teenagers today, we believe in materialism than even our creater God. Just consider the number of people dying at ages 19-28 years. Most of these death are due to the cause of materialism in our society. Henceforth as teenagers, our desire for material possessions should not be our downfall.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Don't Take For Granted What You Do Have

                                                             -As often in reality us teens of this generation will get mad when we do not get what we have wanted for along time or ask for. So maybe you have asked for the latest I-phone an instead you needed to settle for something not as good as that. What many of us don't realize at all is that those teens who grew up in the 1960's did not nearly have what we had. They had small square TV's an not phone they could bring on the go. Or how those who are less fortunate do not have anything of our desire. They have to settle with what is donated to them when they get it. So time from time we should get away an enjoy what has been given to us as friends an people who we love an love us to. Be happy for what we have that is not material an we enjoy maybe even more.