Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflection on Baggage/Traveling Light

My topic is about traveling light in a spiritual way.The goal of spiritual travel is mystical or transcendent religious experience. The reason for an interest in spiritual travel is that it provides a unique means of approaching these distant and extraordinary states of religious awareness. It does this by exposing the spiritual seeker to a series of lessons about the nature of identity, and the freedom of the soul to travel in various non-physical environments. These lessons gradually introduce the spiritual traveler to a variety of psychic and spiritual states containing increasing degrees of individual freedom, and spiritual awareness. In addition, spiritual travel provides an inner laboratory where the seeker can experiment with techniques and methods of moving through the more limited psychic states of awareness and into these distant spiritual realms. The religious person can use spiritual travel to explore the heavenly states described in their religious texts prior to physical death which can help them turn faith and hope in their religious ideal into confidence and spiritual knowledge.
(1st post)

1 comment:

  1. Teenagers find it very hard to respond to people of the law. Some of my friends and some of my classmates are not respectful and not obedient in class. For example in class, we don't respect the phone policy. We take out our phones whenever we want to and not when we are allowed to. We also do not respect our parents when they tell us to do something, like take out the trash. We do stuff we when we want to and not when our parents want us to. I agree to your statement.
